Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Episode 7: Earth and Water

(Last session saw Heskin depart to search in the north for Torm's axe. He was replaced by Myrdynus, a low elven wizard with an unhealthy fascination for the darker arts.)

On reaching Navio, Senden scouted ahead keeping to the tree line for cover. As he approached the fort he noticed several creatures also observing the fort. They had the appearance of wolves but walked like men and carried spears and great war bows, bigger than he had ever seen.They conversed in the language of wolves but Sendin knew a charm to translate their barks, growls and yips. The creatures were intent on the fort as well though they quickly became distracted by the scent of halfling. Thinking they had discovered him Sendin returned to the war-band.

Conferring with the rest of the band they decided to see if there were more of the beast-men. Going as a group they discovered a large band of the creatures just lounging about. With them were three large misshapen dwarves. Ogres! Transformed by some foul sorcery they were little more than brutes, dangerous in battle but not the best conversationalists. The monsters had made no attempt at a camp but were merely resting while they stopped. Having learned of this new threat the band retreated and discussed strategy. Scawl recommended the well heeled orcish tactic of waiting for the others to attack first and then doing for them in the rear. It went a long way towards explaining how the orcs seldom made any progress in their chronic warfare against elf and dwarf.

The monsters made their move at dusk. The band were briefly surprised by a second group of monsters approaching the fort as well. They were even more surprised when a lone figure walked ahead of the second  band and caused the gates to explode in a ball of fire. At this point the monsters attacked, the Ogres rushing to batter down the gates and the beast-men following. Caius then attacked with his men, coming to the relief of the fort they had planned to attack. While his force was more disciplined the savagery and raw power of the monsters was easily a match. The band decided killing the enemy magic user and his guard the best course of action.

Moving round the battle under cover of Cheet's magics the band managed to get in position. The wizard was guarded by several beast-men and an ogre as he cackled and tormented foes with sorcerous fire. As the band closed the wizard uttered a dreadful curse that bewitched and confused Scawl and Myrdynus, Fortunately the spell must of caught the beast-men as well as they attacked each other as much as their enemies.  Still, it would of gone poorly for the band had Sendin not charmed the Ogre and the wizard. With them out of the picture it was an easy matter for Cheet and Perrin to kill the beast-men.

Upon interrogating the charmed wizard they learned he was a renegade druid who had sold his soul to Asmoday, a fiend of the Hells, in exchange for power to slay every last dwarf. The beast-men were his fellow countrymen, transformed by sorcery and the Ogres the wretched remains of their former lords and masters. The band were sufficiantly horrified by his crimes and killed him on the spot. They then took his things. Of particular note was a dagger made of some unearthly metal and what appeared to be a spellbook.

Meanwhile the battle proper was almost over. With the wizard dead any semblance of order in the monsters collapsed and they routed. While the fort had been overrun clearing it of monsters was merely a formality and the band brought managed to acquire the forts pay chest in the looting. Still, there was plenty of booty for everyone.

While the war-band secured the area and rallied the defenders the band wondered what to do next. The wizard had come from Aquae Arnemetiae, a village and baths built on sacred springs with many healing powers. It was the corruption of the pools that had led to the transformation of the villagers.
The band and Caius set off to relieve the village and hopefully remove the curse.

A day later saw them on the outskirts of the village. The remaining villagers were in varying states of transformation into beast-men. The villagers were also acting like beasts. From the pools and the baths came a pulsating greenish light. While the band wondered what to do about the hundred or so beast men in the village Cheet went and contacted a nature spirit. The spirit informed Cheet that an accursed stone had been placed in one of the underground springs. A serpent guarded it and it's multiple heads ensured that it was always wakeful. She gave Cheet a dagger that would grant gills to anyone cut by it.

So the band ventured into the cavern of the spring. Sendin and Myrdynus charmed and lulled the two watchful heads so Scawl could steal the stone. Once removed they destroyed it. While the waters reverted back to their blessed state the people remained changed as beast-men though their senses returned. While thankful they were still in shock over their changed natures.

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